First impression always matters. Follow your instinct but at the same time you have to be very well prepared. Learn to iron your shirts. Take something personal with you as a lucky charm. I carry my red suspenders. Last but not least: smile, smile, smile.
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Being in this business, what have you learned?
Can I work for you as a young professional?
Yes, you can. I can be a bit strict but sincere if that works for you. Be aware that it is hard work whereas it does not seem like this to most people.
Do you offer workshops or other learning experiences?
As a matter of fact, yes and actually I will host together with other wedding professionals a workshop soon enough. We named it “The White Paper Workshop” and you can see everything here:
Why does it take so long to edit the video?
Thorough, detailed job, with nothing left to luck to the point of perfectionism. This attitude requires time.
Why don’t you have a package for photos?
I see myself as a videographer-filmographer. Photography has different rules and requires different kind of expertise. Better not mix.
Do you have preferences on the photographers you work with?
I work with everybody. Besides we are on the same turf. Of course I can’t deny that I have my personal preferences as everybody else, but I prefer to keep it…personal. Nevertheless, I am always open to meeting new people!
What makes you different from other videographers?
Warm smile, discretion, forwardness, being friendly and with great understanding towards the couples. Mediterranean temperament, European sense.
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